Options to Carry Over Vacation Time
Dear Kathleen: We’ve just gone over the vacation time for all our employees and found that many have weeks of time available to them. This gives us some concern because this is considered a liability,...
View ArticleHUD Zone Hiring to Avoid Discrimination
Dear Kathleen: I need to hire, but to qualify for HUD zone, I need to hire people who live in two specific towns near my business. Can I run an ad saying that only those who live in these two cities...
View ArticleInnovative Ways to Change Your Working Environment
Dear Kathleen: Our company has gone through a lot of change in the last five or six years. Thankfully, we’ve grown tremendously, but now it seems as if our innovative culture is somewhat stuck in a...
View ArticleEmployee Surveys Offer Valuable Information
Dear Kathleen: I’ve heard about employee surveys, but we have never done one. We’ve had quite a bit of transition due to poor hires, the economy and business changes, and we’re wondering where the...
View ArticleHow to Get Past the “Us and Them” Attitude
Dear Kathleen: We’ve recently merged two companies and have had come difficulty with the “us and them” mentality. We usually have a joint monthly meeting and would like some team building ideas on how...
View ArticleLearn How to Manage Your Holiday Party
Most employers are planning to have employee holiday parties over the holiday season. It’s hard to find anyone without at least one holiday party nightmare story to share about a fellow employee – and...
View ArticleHow to Provide Performance Guidance without Destroying Employee Morale
HR Advisor Human Resource Insights from Kathleen Weiss Dear Kathleen: How do we help our managers to provide performance guidance without destroying the morale of the employee? Jack H. Dear Jack:...
View ArticleSWK HR Advisor: Productivity Tips for the New Year
Tweet HR Advisor Human Resource Insights from Kathleen Weiss Dear Kathleen: Our company seems to have gotten in a rut in the last few years and although we are doing well, I think we can do a better...
View ArticleManaging Employees Sick Time
Tweet HR Advisor Human Resource Insights from Kathleen Weiss Q — Dear Kathleen: Our company has a vacation policy and a sick time policy. We offer our employees six sick days per year and they are not...
View ArticleGetting Your Long Term Employees To Mentor Your New Ones
Tweet Dear Kathleen: We are getting to the point where we have many long-term employees, as well as new employees coming up in the ranks. We would like to create a formal program across multiple...
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